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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How To Lose Weight The Healthy Way

Expert Author Dr. Ashraf Hanafy Mahmoud Mohammed

Weight loss can be a difficult project for anyone. Either you will be very anxious and conquer it without much problem or you will actually make the problem worse by fretting about it. The more optimistic you are about your weight loss goal the better your chances for success. So, watch your frame of mind and you will watch the pounds go down.
Try not to overdo it. This is the first mistake people make when starting any workout regimen. By taking it slow and easy, you will find that it is not very difficult and your body is quite capable. The next day, you won't even be sore. Doing it the opposite way, you may think it is too hard or the soreness the day after will sap the motivation to keep going from you. Then, once you are at an intensity that you find too easy, slowly start making it harder. In this way, you will build muscle, and your body will begin transforming along with the intensity of your workouts.
Exercise can be boring. The idea of going to the gym can be daunting. Sitting on the treadmill for hours at a time is not anyone's idea of a good time. Therefore, try to change it up a little. Use different equipment, for different durations. Bring along your favorite tunes. If the idea of the gym itself is repulsive get involved with a sport. Try to sign up for a 5K race. These events will put the excitement into exercise that will keep you motivated to reach your goals.
Always tell yourself that you are able. The more confident you are in your ability to succeed the more likely you will succeed. The biggest threat to any weight loss program is giving up due to a lack of confidence in your ability to obtain the results you desire. Don't give up! Look yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself that you can and will succeed, and you will be surprised by your new found motivation.
It has been shown that deprivation is worse than moderation when it comes to eating. While depriving yourself of a favorite sweet or meal may help in the short term maybe e beneficial, in the long run it will result on you eventually binging on that item, erasing any gains you made plus some.
Finding a partner to exercise with will help you reach your goal. Having someone encourage you to succeed is immensely beneficial. Try to find someone that can go workout at the same time that you do. In this way, when one of you isn't feeling it the other can motivate them to keep at it and not give up.
Losing weight is a daunting task that many fail at. However, it can be achieved, and has been achieved by many. Maintaining a positive, confident attitude is the first of many steps in reaching your weight loss goals. Take the advice from this article, and go out there and do it!


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