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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How Temptations Creep In And Make Us Lose Focus

Expert Author Gregory L Gomez

One of the greatest difficulties to overcome when attempting to lose weight is getting rid of bad habits that helped lead us into an overweight or obese state. All those instances that originate from that little voice in the head whispering, "Just get a burger and fries" or, "You know you have that bag of potato chips in the cupboard."
Once these thoughts are given time to fester, those of us who are overweight or obese have let these types of temptations get the better of us on more than one occasion.
How many times have you visited the fast food drive through to buy a cheeseburger combo with french fries and a large soda? That temptation probably came from the thought "Why cook when you could eat this instead!". What about eating a bag of potato chips or half gallon of ice cream while watching television? Probably happened because of a temptation to snack on something sweet while sitting there enjoying your show.
Point is, these are the types of temptations you must take control of if you want to be successful losing weight and getting in the shape you want. These are the choices that determine if a person will gain control over their health or remain in the same predicament they're currently in.
However, it takes more that simply saying "no" since in all likelihood this will be hard to do if there isn't an option to take its place, a backup plan. Prepare for situations such as these so when you are faced with a difficult choice, you have a better chance of coming out on top. Make sure the next time you go to the supermarket, you don't buy unhealthy snacks such as chips, cookies, ice cream, cupcakes, etc. If these items aren't allowed to make it into your kitchen, you will not be tempted to eat them.
Out of sight out of mind right?
Make sure to get some healthy options instead and keep these handy at all times. Granola bars, yogurt, carrot sticks, almonds and raisins, and all kinds of fruits can easily be kept nearby ready to quench any hunger panic that may arise. When you immediately shoot down the temptation that may be creeping in your head, and are able to fill the hunger craving with a healthy alternative, you will stay on track and not let a snacking episode ruin everything.
Also, it helps to plan out your meals on a weekly basis so that you know exactly what you will prepare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Having a weekly meal agenda will help take away the need to ever have to go out to buy a fast food meal. You will be better able to adhere to a healthy eating agenda when you know what you'll have when it comes time for each meal.
It does take a significant amount of will power and conscious effort to stick firmly with your decision, especially if you have gotten used to frequently giving into these temptations. Nevertheless, when you are certain that you're ready to make a change to become more healthy, start focusing on these small temptations that often get us to stray from a healthy agenda and you will find yourself making better choices.


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