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Sunday, April 30, 2017

The ARMD And The Macular Supplements Information

By Ryan Watson

Age-related macular degeneration (MD), also referred to as AMD, is a form of vision loss and affects the macula part of the eye or eyes. It is the leading cause of blindness and severe vision loss in most western countries. Usually affecting people aged 65 or above, this is a more serious eye condition than some other complaints and eye conditions. But with macular supplements, the patients have somewhere to get help.

ARMD sometimes begins with a build-up of cellular waste products in the cone cells called drusen. Also, there may be a change in the amount of pigmentation in the cell (like the "age-spots" on our skin with aging). This is referred to as "Dry ARMD". Over time vision slowly worsens and over many years may lead to significant vision problems.

One of the main causes of losing eyesight is macular degeneration (MD). It can affect people of all ages. Still, most of the people who are affected by this condition are those who are already about fifty to sixty years of age. Some lose sight because of having diabetic retinopathy and seek various treatments including laser eye procedures and other methods. In this article, the focus will be given on how to prevent and treat MD and save the eyesight.

While many of these descriptions can be symptomatic of another issue, it is recommended that you seek medical advice if they begin to occur, so that macular degeneration (MD) can be ruled out. Especially after the age of 50, you need to seek medical consultation if you have any noticeable change in eyesight. Also, it's important to have a vision test least twice a year so that early detection of the disease is possible.

There are two forms of the condition. The first type, dry MD, accounts for the majority of cases. It is usually noticed at an eye exam, as early stages do not normally produce symptoms. When an eye doctor spots yellow flecks beneath your retina, which is an indication of "drusen" deposits, the first warning sign of the disease. The doctor will further examine the deposits' size, as not all instances guarantee MD.

The wet form of MD is due to the excess accumulation of blood vessels growing behind the retina. This type can be treated with drugs or laser, reversing the development of the blood vessels that cause this variant of the illness.

Preventing the symptoms of MD could be as easy as taking an antioxidant supplement. Antioxidants are those substances like vitamins, which work to combat the negative effects of free radicals such as those found in air pollution. Examples of antioxidants are Vitamins A, C, and E.

This eye condition mainly affects those 60 years of age and up. It has been estimated that approximately 10% of people from 66 to 74, for instance, will discover they have the above eye condition. With those between the ages of 75 to 85, the rate can be even higher. People suffering from MD symptoms, or the disease, often have small yellowish spots on their macular. It is still unknown whether these spots are merely cholesterol deposits or perhaps the effect of taking cholesterol-lowering medications.

Lifestyle choices also play a part, and smoking is way up there as a well-known cause of all types of MD. Obesity can be another contributing factor. If you have been exposed to lots of sunlight, through your career or perhaps you live nearer the equator then this puts you in a higher risk category also.

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