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Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Military Antenna Is Desired In The Private Sector

By Claudine Hodges

More up-to-date equipment is constantly being tested and developed by governments all over the globe. There are many uses for tools such as the military antenna, and the private corporate world is beginning to take note of what kind of technology Uncle Sam might have to offer. A simple online search can reveal many merchants who represent the Department of Defense and market such equipment.

The VHF/GPS covers VHF frequencies from 118 to 137 megahertz and GPS at 1575.42 megahertz. The equipment is portable and often fits the 26.5 dB gain GPS panel mount system. Most often this type of tech can be used for small-engine aircraft such as helicopters or single-engine airplanes. Some yacht aficionados keep this particular tool on board, and one might even find it aboard a luxury cruise liner.

Many businesses require a home-base style of equipment, and this can be utilized with the UHF/DECT. Drivers of all varieties, from taxi cabs to tractor trailers running locally have utilized this technology in order to maintain communication. Keeping constant tabs on those who work behind the wheel helps to keep everyone safe.

The typical household may have some version of the UHF/W-LAN found inside. These are the wifi antennas which can keep entire groups of people, whether families, clubs, or coworkers all connected through their cell phones, computers, laptops, and tablets. The wifi technology has made the modern man and woman better able to maintain communication with friends, family, and the office while on the road.

Many modern conveniences have their history in war-time applications, as this is when technological advancements have always increased ten-fold. These leaps in modernization have occurred in the medical industry as well as automobiles and the development of urban infrastructure. In fact, the highway system itself was originally developed by Dwight D. Eisenhower in order to move equipment more efficiently from East to West across the United States, in preparation for deployment.

Previously used items such as old tackle and gun-metal boxes are always available at surplus stores all over. Whether purchasing for a recently returned Veteran, or for an old Sailor, this is one location where this type of technology can be found. It is not difficult to find more up-to-date tools for less when shopping the Army Surplus Store for computer equipment.

For those who were able to remember the first Desert Storm conflict, there was a great deal of consternation regarding sand and dust particles getting inside equipment, including guns and cannons. The decades spent fixing these problems are easily seen in the improvements of electronics utilized in recent years. These newer antennas should be rugged and ready to pick up even the most faint of signals without picking up every particle of dust in the air.

Anyone with or without previous service in the armed forces would be pleased to receive the gift of long-range communication. There are many Department of Defense merchants online who can provide assistance to private individuals wishing to make a purchase. Do not forget to visit the old Army/Navy surplus store and see what they have in store this time.

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