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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Would You Like To Make Your Breasts Look Better?

By Susan Thompson

Many women desire to have a bigger breasts due to various reasons. These reasons include, increasing self-esteem, feeling desirable, comfort and also for physical appearance. For some time, people thought that only implant surgery could achieve bigger breast size, however, it is now clear that foods and supplements can be used to achieve a distinct increase in breast size and firmness. Would you like to find out How to Increase Breast Size

Many women want larger breasts, but find it difficult to buy flattering clothes due to a flat chest. Estrogen is the main hormone responsible for breast growth and development. As a teen, a girl will start to grow breast tissue and usually require larger bra sizes each year. Some girls might hit a plateau during breast development. While the exact reason for underdeveloped breasts is unknown, some speculate that this is due to a decrease in estrogen in the female body and an increase in testosterone.

You will never know how well you will respond to a natural breast enhancement program but if you can get your hands on an inexpensive program you have very little to lose. Like Linda who went from a cup A to a cup C in only 6 weeks. I'm sure she was very pleased with her $124 investment. Surgery would have cost at least $5000, nevermind the dangers involved. This article is about food. Adding these foods to your diet can help you get the well-developed breasts that you've been dreaming of.

The foods that you can eat to increase your breast size can be divided into different groups. One such group is fruits and vegetables. Eating plenty of them will improve your general health and also promote breast growth due to the high content of fiber found in them. Examples include; apples, plums, papaya, pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes and yams. If you are interested in finding out How to Increase Breast Size Naturally there is a lot of information online.

Soy products: soy bean and products made from it are known for their natural estrogen. Dairy is very good source of natural estrogen. Flax seeds provide you with natural estrogen and they are very good for your overall health. So are other seeds like: Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Anise seed, Spices and herbs: Cloves, Ginger, Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Turmeric, Clover, Peppers, Sage, Fenugreek, Beans and peas:, Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), Lima beans, Kidney beans, Black-eyed peas, Navy beans, Red beans, Lentils, Split peas, Parsley, Red clover, Whole grain:, Barley. Oats, Brown rice, Fruits and Greens:, Alfalfa Apples, Beets, Carrots, Cherries, Cucumbers, Dates, Eggplant, Olives, Papaya Plums, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, Tomatoes, Yams,

Fruits and Vegetables As mentioned earlier, fruits and vegetables regulate the testosterone level in your body. It also contributes to your overall health. Just like whole grains such as oats, wheat and barley, they can also help in increasing your breast size because they contain a high percentage of fiber. Red cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli can prevent cancer cells from developing. In addition, fruits such as blueberries and strawberries contain anthocyanins that protect your cells from free-radical damage.

In addition to the above, certain spices and herbs are also used for this purpose. These spices and herbs are however not taken in form of capsules though are instead used to cook food. Examples of these include; sage, turmeric, pepper, oregano, ginger, thyme and cloves.

Healthy fats You need fat to increase your breast size. Here is it important to choose wisely. The right fat will distribute evenly over your body, including your breasts. Unhealthy fats will get stuck on places like you belly where is will be extra hard to get rid off and it can be a health hazard. The fats you need are mono unsaturated fats. Olives and olive oil, Avocado and avocado oil, Raw nuts, Linseeds and linseed oil, Sesame seeds and sesame seed oil, Herring

Soy is also very important for increasing breast size naturally.. However, it is important to note that, you cannot introduce all these foods into your system at once. You need to make the change gradually, in order to see how your system adjusts and also to keep track of changes in your breast size. Gradual introduction of foods will also help you know which foods you could be allergic to. However if you are seriously interested in increasing breast size naturally, Brestrogen is the preferred route.

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