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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Smiling And The Dental Implants Connection

By Minnie Whitley

A smiling person is very pleasant to look at. He or she is fun to be around. You can also feel more at ease with a person who smiles easily. Someone who smiles a lot have a very light aura around them that makes them so charming. The longer you look at them, the more you want to bask in their charm.

One reason to smile, aside from gathering admiring looks, is that it usually leads to a happier disposition. Even if you are having a bad day, if you force yourself to smile, you will eventually find yourself happier. This is because the brain usually feeds happy images when the facial muscles are worked up. If you are ashamed to, due to dental problems, you can have dental implants falls church va.

When one smiles, it triggers a series of chain reactions that makes everyone break into silly grins as well. Try beaming at total strangers. More often than not, they will smile back at you. If you come into a room smiling, it generally lightens up the atmosphere and invites the others to join in.

Smiling also is a natural pain killer. A line in a famous song says that one has to smile even when it is aching hold a medical truth. When you smile, your body releases endorphins and serotonin. These are the natural pain relievers of the body and together, these make one feel really good.

The one who smiles is the one who looks the youngest. Smiling gives you a natural face lift by working on your facial muscles. There is no need to save for a spa treatment or a trip to the plastic surgeon. Smiling can bring about the same results without charging you a single dime.

There are also those people who wish to do it as often as they could but can not. These are people who suffer from smile anxiety. Most often, this type of anxiety is related to oral health problems. They are afraid to because they are afraid that a missing tooth they have been hiding from the crowd will be exposed. To remedy this, the best option is to undergo dental implants.

Dental implants replace a lost tooth by using a screw to mimic the root of a tooth and placing a prosthetic bite on top of it. This makes the artificial incisor appear more natural than when using other tooth replacement methods. This procedure also produces a result that is much easier to maintain than when you have false teeth or fixed bridges.

Not everyone can have an implant though. Special cases like cancer, uncontrollable diabetes and gum diseases are not recommended for implants. You must inform your periodontist of you accurate medical history before he can endorse you to have the said procedure.

This type of teeth restoration is, naturally, more expensive than others. This is because the procedure uses high quality materials to replace a lost tooth. You can talk to a periodontist for a more affordable one, though. When you are able to smile back after the implant, you will find that it is worth every penny.

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