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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Fat burning advantage by practicing exercises in the morning. A frequently asked question...
Is it better cardiovascular exercise in the morning or evening?
You burn the same number of calories in the morning than in the evening for the same amount of exercise. However, research shows that the percentage of fat burned during exercise in the morning on an empty stomach is bigger.
A study at the University of the State of Kansas USA, evaluated the type of calories you burn by doing exercise fasting and also after a normal meal.
Eight individuals in good physical shape (aged 21-27 years) participated in this study.
The results have shown that you burn the same amount of calories on an empty stomach after a meal, but people who had consumed any calories before exercise, burned greater amount of fat than those who ate their last meal up to an hour and a half before exercising.
Other advantages are related to cardiovascular exercise done in the morning. The increased energy throughout the day and increases metabolism (more calories burned) during the waking period.
In addition, this research has shown that people who exercise early tend to maintain their exercise program long term.
While those who prefer to exercise later in the day tend to miss workouts, this being due to distractions and fatigue daily.
The experts agree that training the practice of physical activity in general is beneficial regardless of the time you do.
Get up early to do your cardio can help you burn more calories from fat.
Exercising at night is also effective and should not be overlooked. When you exercise in the evening, your metabolism increases so you burn fat and pull a huge advantage for the cardiovascular system.
Spread your meals to burn more fat.
The composition and distribution of meals can play an important role in your ability to burn fat.
Losing body fat quickly depends not only what you eat but when you eat.
If you do your cardio in the morning, do it immediately after waking up and not eat.
Take an additional type Energy Performance Booster with caffeine before exercise to help mobilize fat for energy.
Research shows that the use of caffeine before exercise can help burn more fat by affecting the mobilization of it for energy.
To maximize the benefits of cardio throughout the day, you need to split your meals and reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.
Do your cardio 2 or 3 hours after eating and make sure that this meal is low in sugar to reduce the effects of insulin and to maximize fat loss.
After your workout, try to eat a meal at relatively low glycemic index.
This will help support the hormones responsible for burning fat, such as glucagon and insulin control.
Eating at least two hours before your workout cardiovascular and making sure meals before and after your workouts, you are carb burn more calories from fat and avoid depression energy.
Adjust the duration of cardiovascular exercise to build muscle.
Moderate intensity cardiovascular work is the best way to build muscle and improve heart health. While cardio is beneficial to health in general, do cardio 4-6 times per week at a high intensity is cons-productive to muscle growth.
If you do cardio while trying to build muscle, it should be done at moderate intensity.
Means of low intensity exercises that keep the heart at a rate that does not exceed 60% of the maximum frequency (VO2 MAX).
If the intensity is too high, excess calories are burned and you may use some of the muscles for energy.
Balance and distribute meals to build muscle mass.
Build muscle means eating in quantity and quality sufficient to increase muscle mass.
Eat plenty of high quality protein throughout the day both before and after your workouts.
Start your day with a source of quality protein to complement your breakfast (Pure Performance ® Whey or Whey Protein Isolate Performance).
It is important to make a contribution to high quality protein and carbohydrates immediately upon waking. Then start your workout in the morning.
If you train in the evening, good absorb calories including protein, complex carbohydrates and essential fats before starting the day.
This is of course completely different for people who aim to try to burn fat and avoid eating before cardiovascular exercise.
Recent research conducted by Tipton show that consumption of 30 grams of whey protein (containing 15 grams of essential amino acids) before and after your workout can increase protein synthesis up to 400%!
Additional research shows that consuming a drink that combines protein and carbohydrates, the type of beverage protein powder immediately after training can also increase protein synthesis.
These are set in the more muscle if they are consumed several hours later.
The following meals should contain a combination of high quality protein and complex carbohydrates.
Build muscle depends on a balance between the proper training, the nutritional quality and sufficient rest for recovery.
Neglecting any of these settings may prevent you to gain muscle you want.


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