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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Quick Facts About Holy Tea

By Mary Taylor

Health or lack of it depends on what you eat. Further, the presence of toxins and chemicals in your digestive system weakens your body, leaving you vulnerable to opportunistic diseases and infections. Holy Tea is a concoction of natural ingredients that detoxifies the body, eliminating all unhealthy substances especially in the colon. You also get a bonus of weight loss when you take the beverage.

The dosage depends on your health desires and age. Children will enjoy the drink as well because it is palatable and beside that, reap the benefits of a healthy body. Since this is a beverage, you are advised to gradually increase the dosage and monitor their response. You can raise the amount or reduce it depending on the effect it has on your children. This drink will greatly improve their bowel movement.

Each person produces a unique reaction or response after consuming an ordinary dosage. While some people experience an increase in bowel movement, others may not feel any change. The best way to find the right dosage is to begin with the recommended two ounce. If the reaction is extreme, reduce it to the point where you feel comfortable. If you do not experience any change, increase the dosage. Your brewing strength and technique will determine the results you obtain.

The normal reaction is increased bowel movement resulting in frequent visits to the bathroom. Others have a bout of cramps. To avoid undesirable reactions, take a break for one or two days. Reduction in daily consumption is the other option. This will help you establish the most comfortable quantity.

Though the ingredients are natural, they will react with chemicals in medicines. The recommendation therefore is enjoy the drink an hour before or after taking your medicine. This tea is free of caffeine. It does not expose you to the risk of addiction even with prolonged consumption. You are therefore free to consume as much as your body can handle.

To achieve desired results, take extra caution during preparation. Do not heat the water using a microwave. Excess heating using the microwave destroys essential enzymes rendering your drink ineffective. Before mixing, cool the water to your desired temperature. Boiling the water rapidly does not also produce desired results. Reheating enables you to still enjoy a tasty cup.

Storage will affect the long term quality and taste of your tea. To maintain freshness, refrigerate in a special glass container. In the absence of the glass can, use a plastic bowl or stainless steel container. The two containers need constant attention to prevent damage. The shelf life of your beverage will be affected by lack of refrigeration. Such contaminants as water also destroy the quality and taste.

Additives may be used to spice your cup. If you prefer your drink iced, its sweetness or effectiveness will not be affected. A lemon squeeze is also allowed if sweeteners are your thing. Only ensure that it is closest to body temperature. The absence of caffeine is an excellent way to detoxify the body. This beverage does not contain salt and has lower than prohibited quantity of sodium. It is your healthiest drink of all time.

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