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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Spider Vein Removal In Austin, TX

By April Briggs

Varicose veins are usually caused by blood flowing abnormally leading to weakness of walls of blood vessels. Any activity or condition causing pressure to the veins is a contributing factor to their occurrence. Other causative factors are pregnancy, heredity, weight gain, hormone changes and also standing or sitting for extended periods of time not to forget traumatic events. The following are the common methods of spider vein removal Austin, TX.

The chances of developing varicose veins become more with age and there may be genetic inheritance of genes responsible for their formation. It turns also a quite common problem after delivery as it is associated with rise in hormone estrogen which is the female gender hormone. The levels of estrogen increase with delivery replacing the progesterone hormone that maintained pregnancy.

Estrogen weakens the walls of the vessels this weakening results in the development of web veins. Enlarged uterus and also the growing baby inside exert pressure during pregnancy resulting in development of these veins. It usually is not a permanent condition. After delivery, the condition improves.

This condition does not just resolve on its own but treatment is required. The underlying event causing the disease has to be dealt with first by the medical professional before proceeding to handle the aesthetic aspect of the disease. It can be treated by use of either injections or by use of light in Austin, TX.

When utilizing laser rays to get rid of varicose veins, the beams of light are focused for some time on these vessels. The heat it produces destroys them. Varicose veins that appear on the face can we effectively removed using this method. It can however be used for other body parts. Rarely, it is applied on legs and a few sessions of therapy will eliminate them.

Intense pulse of light works almost like the laser rays to remove the abnormal veins. They differ because in the intense method, the pulses of light are concentrated on one point and they remove the abnormal veins that include the enlarged veins and also some of birthmarks. It is a better choice when the problem is usually in underlying skin layers. It has found to be a good option when other methods fail.

Sclerotherapy is the popular method of treating abnormal veins. A chemical solution or saline is injected into the veins using fine gauged needle which causes to shrink and eventually disappear. As with the other kinds of treatment procedures for this condition, several sessions are required for it to be effective. Around ten percent of clients treated with this procedure are non-responders and therefore laser treatment is the best alternative for them.

For all these forms of treatment, healing is not immediate. Several weeks with several sessions are necessary to make the treatment effective. They are advised to don compression stockings for several weeks after. They also require you to raise the legs and perform some exercises of the legs. The work outs are good at improving the blood flow and also stop accumulation of blood in lower extremities which is the major cause for enlargement of veins.

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