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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Getting Familiar With Cataract Surgery San Antonio

By Edna Booker

Our bodies are definitely part of the magnificent creation around us. The way in which they function is astounding enough that scientists keep studying it. Things tend to go wrong and not function as they should with time. This can happen when the thought of cataract surgery San Antonio crosses your mind. This is all in a bid to improve your eyesight.

Cataracts start out small then as they worsen, they could lead to blindness. The glare of the sun always feels like it is too much for such an individual. Some colors may seem less bright than they appeared before. Headlights from vehicles could have the same effect as that of the sun. The part of the eye that is affected by this condition is the lens.

This structure is made up of water and protein. Its function is to allow light into the retina for clear vision. As people age, the arrangement of this structure gets changed up. The protein clumps up leading to this situation. Other factors that are said to lead to this condition include too much UV rays and complications from previous eye surgery.

This is not the type of treatment that patients should be worried about. Nine out of ten cases are always successful. The procedure is simple. It simple involves getting rid of the old piece and putting in something new that can function way better. Though it is likely that everything will run smoothly it is good to see these experts beforehand.

Their job is to see if there are other conditions that may be affecting your eyes. The measurement of the eyes is then taken. This is important so the right size of artificial lens gets to be used. During this consultation, a patient can ask questions so that they get familiar with what will be done. If both eyes are affected surgery for both will be carried out at separate times.

This is a very sensitive human sense. During the procedure it is imperative to make use of aesthetics. Since it is the eye being handled, drops could be ideal to deliver this kind of relief. The tissue near the eye could be injected with medicine. After all this has been done the surgeon can begin making incisions to improve the vision.

This helps do away with the clouded lens. The lens must be broken down to a state that makes its removal easy. This is often in liquid form. The damaged part is removed and a new one is fixed up. The cut spot helps form the foundation of the new piece. When placed right it just looks normal and the change will be amazing.

Patients usually go home with a patch around their eyes. They may need people around them to help them a little bit when it comes to doing things. They will definitely experience some discomfort before everything settles down. In case of complications, it is advisable to visit a San Antonio TX hospital. However, such cases are not common as doctors put their best into them.

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