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Friday, May 15, 2015

Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease In The Current Times?

By Toni Vang

Lyme infection is also known as borreliosis. It is a very infectious sickness that is caused by bacteria known as Borrelia. When you are infected with the disease, you see the affected area expanding after some few days. You never feel itchy when you have this illness. If you go for a while without treatment some of the symptoms, you will have include fever, feeling tired and headache. In the advanced stages, you cannot move because you will be having neck stiffness, severe joint pains and heart palpitations. In this article, we will look at; is there a cure for Lyme disease so that you can avoid getting into these advanced stages.

Researchers on this illness indicate that after one month of infection you develop symptoms such as repeated swellings, tiredness, and memory loss. Many people wonder how the disease gets transferred from a person to another. You need to realize it is the ticks that transmit the illness through bites.

The Lxodes Genuses species in the family of ticks are responsible for spreading this infection. For one to be infected with the illness, the tick attaches itself to the body for not less than two days. Another important thing to note is the disease is not transferable to people; rather it can be gotten from foods or other animals.

At the initial stages of contacting the illness when you go for a blood test, it will possibly test negative. We all know that prevention always better than cure. Let us then look at how you can prevent the illness. The first step is to avoid being bitten by ticks. Prevention means you need to dress well by wearing long clothes.

Health hygienists recommend that people should regularly spray their house with pesticides to kill all ticks in the house to reduce their numbers. When the numbers of the ticks are small, you will also reduce the likelihood of the tick sticking on your clothes or when sleeping on the bed. However when you find that one has stuck on your body, you should remove it with tweezers. You should not allow a tick to suck your blood until it gets full because it is the only way you can easily get Lyme.

Lyme diseases can be treated by taking antibiotics. Even though the bite may be very discomforting, you get rid of the discomfort by immediately taking the antibiotic. The antibiotics reduce the effect of the symptoms as well as treat the disease. Additionally, you can also visit a health specialist to get medication for the illness.

However, some people develop the symptoms as early as two days. The treatments can take up to three weeks. Beware because when you use antibiotics for long you from a resistance and it proves to be ineffective.

Research is still ongoing to look for a proper vaccination. Antibiotics such as cefotaxime and doxycycline have been so effective in treating Lyme disease. If you take less than seventy-two hours after the tick bite, you will reduce the likelihood of severe symptoms.

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