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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Discover Why Active Adults Are Happier

By Camille Nicholson

If you are tired of being a passive spectator in the game of life, there is something you can do about it. Reliable research proves that active adults feel better about themselves and spend more time with loved ones. No matter how you look at it, they are happier and report having higher levels of satisfaction with the way their lives are unfolding.

The key is to get moving. And the good news is that it doesn't even have to be on a daily basis. The experts say exercisers should rest about two days a week. On the other five days, it's important to set aside dedicated time to focus on improving your activity levels. There are three main types of exercise that you can mix and match at different times in order to stay motivated.

One key component of any effective workout program is aerobics. This can be anything from jumping jacks to jogging if your knees can take it, or from dancing to fast walking if you prefer a lower-impact activity. The choice is up to you, as long as it gets your heart beating faster and the blood coursing through your veins.

Group exercise classes are another option. However, not everyone is comfortable going to a gym. Some feel they will be judged if they have trouble keeping up with the instructors. Cost can be a factor for others. Fortunately, it's possible to get all of the aerobic activity you need on your own. For inspiration, you could also try one of the many excellent exercise DVDs that have flooded the marketplace.

Strength training is another form of exercise that many people are learning to enjoy. You can use free weights to tone muscles in your arms and chest. There are also many things to do that require no equipment. For example, push ups and squats utilize your body weight as resistance. Form is important because you want to avoid injury. So it's recommended to hire a trainer, if you can afford it, to show you what to do. If money is a problem, trying visiting websites that offer free instruction.

When it comes to stretching, yoga appears to be the way to go. Although this is an ancient practice, it has many modern applications and is well known to increase flexibility. It also feels wonderful. Just ask any of the professional athletes who are now doing yoga on the advice of their managers.

The direct benefits of staying active are well documented. It improves health by lowering blood pressure. It also reduces cholesterol levels and helps keep diseases like diabetes at bay. In addition, it assists in managing stress levels and leads to better sleep patterns.

Although this fact isn't widely publicized, your sexual health will benefit too. People who are proud of their bodies are more likely to continue to engage in intimate relations with their partners well into the golden years. They also seem to have higher levels of satisfaction in these relationships. It's all part of the wonderful array of benefits enjoyed by active adults.

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