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Monday, February 3, 2014

Youth Football Training Drills For Every Coach

By Nelda Powers

Youth football training varies from that given to adult players. A number of coaches may not know this but the young need special drills to get the best out of them. More drills only waste training time therefore leaving the team weak and prone to defeat in a game.

Drill is defined as a closely supervised activity that is repetitive and narrowly defined. This builds into the players habits that otherwise they would resist. Drils are used to perfect techniques into kids that they don't want to learnt unless under close supervision. As much as the drills are necessary, coaches should not waste time doing only those but should allow the team to participate in other skill building exercises.

Repetition is another drill every team should participate in. This helps in making the team learn specific single skills after doing it over and over. Each team can decide what skill works best for them then they repeat it for the benefit of the team. Skills like centers and long snappers are important therefore should be repeated enough times to stick in the mind and muscles. These however require very little supervision from the coach as the players can organize themselves and learn the skills after one or two demonstrations. This helps in creating harmony and synchrony in the team.

The very start of skill training is called chalk. Here, the team is taught verbally like in a classroom. The retaining of the lesson is not high but is necessary before the actual physical training. Every team member will have got the explanation before trying out the new skill in the field. Muscle memory is the best way to remember what is taught hence the repetition stage.

The other stage is put-ins; these are the first time activities a team goes through to make them accurate and consistent in what they do. These helps in performing specific offensive moves and defensive stops where necessary. The training process goes from chalk, walk-through and is completed at the scrimmage where full speed reins. Doing these properly makes a great youth football team.

The walk-through stage is the longest in time. It is done very slowly so every player remembers how a skill plays out. For a given defensive maneuver or an offense tactic to be mastered, the team needs to play it out slowly, even walking while playing with the opposing team being motionless. This allows the practicing team to show what skill they have learnt and allows the coach to correct them step by step.

The last stage in the drill is the scrimmage. Here, both teams perform their leant skills at full game speed. With the guidance of the coach, the offensive tries the maneuvers skillfully while the defense quickly prepares to stop them like in a real game. This helps so much especially the rookies who are yet to face a real team in a match. Reorganization after passes is also coordinated in this stage in most cases by the team members themselves since the coach dos very little supervision here due to the speeds.

It is advisable to take only 20 minutes to do drills in youth football training. This will allow more time for team coordination and synchronizing plays. In general, a two hour practice session per day is just enough to make a good team.

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