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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fun Exercise Tips For Teenagers


Lazy Teen? These Exercise Tips For Teenagers Will Help

Exercise is not always a teenager’s top priority and especially with all of today’s technology and social media at their fingertips; eyes glued to their smart phones. It’s one thing to want to stay in the loop but why not help them be part of the loop? Have your teenager use their social media sites to organize fun exercise oriented activities such a flag football or a meet up at the local swimming pool with their friends. If your teenager is not a social butterfly perhaps family outings would be the way to go. Try planning a hike with the family, trip to the zoo, or even a day at the amusement park. An alternative family approach is to purchase a family gym pass where everyone can find something to do; racquetball, weights, swimming, cardio, rock walls, and workout/dance classes. Just take down a few of these exercise tips for teenagers and boost motivation.

Fun Exercise Tips For Teenagers Who Loves Gaming

If it is impossible to get your teenager away from the TV or their video games, try incorporating interactive/physical games. The Xbox 360 Kinect, PS3 Move, and the Wii U all have some sort of motion sensing devices that make the player the controller, having to use their bodies to play games such as; Kinect Zumba, Just Dance, and Wii Sports. These interactive games make playing fun while incorporating exercise. What easy exercise tips for teenagers to get involved with

Exercise Tips For Teenagers Who Doesn’t Mind Spending Time Away From The T.V.

For the more introverted teenager, Yoga is a great way to relax, stretching, breathing and core strengthening in a quiet group setting all while keeping fit. Perhaps get your teenager to join a school club to help with social skills as well as being out of the house, off the couch and active. Encourage your teen to try out for a school sport that they may be interested in, if your child is not one for the traditional sports, ask them what they’re into. Many teens today are into alternative sports such as BMX, skateboarding, snowboarding, water sports, and even LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). There are activities out there for everyone regardless of, body type, age, physical ability, and motivation. Utilize these exercise tips for teenagers regardless of their level of motivation. Check out these alternative Tips on making exercise fun.


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